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What you can do

Since its birth the Misson of Hope and Charity has relied upon the great help by sister Providence, that has operated thanks to the generosity of benefactors who likes to be close to us in helping the last brothers in this society.

Thanks to collections organized by so many citizens, associations, parishes, groups, etc., the Mission succeeds in guaranteeing assistance activities for the welcomed brothers and families knocking at the Mission door every day.

Thanks to the offers donated to the Mission, every day we face all the necessary expenses to guarantee the reception activities into the three communities (about 800 people) and to keep up with the rebuilding and mantenance works of the three accommodations where the Mission operates.

Into the Mission we like to remember a deep thought by Mother Teresa of Calcutta: "I am only a drop who can do something for the neighbour"; let's put there drops together and surely we will be able to improve and alleviate the amount of pain still present nowadays all over the world!

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Fai una donazione Inglese.PNG

Support the Mission

Support the Mission

Conto Corrente Postale

Conto Corrente Bancario
Banca Unicredit
IBAN: IT 93 D 02008 04694  000300338107

Banco Prossima
IBAN: IT 15D0335901600100000009424
Causale: Fondo solidale della Speranza e della Carità

C.F. 97076940820

Mission of Hope and Charity © 2018 by Toni e Daniele Calamia

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